Okay well they say that wrestling is fake.Well it is fake, because the whole match is pre-decided.Well they say its fake right?... Well that is true for the most part, But come on someone smashing a chair into your face no matter what is going to heart. Some of you who are true fans of the so called (WWE)or as i think it should still be the (WWF).*anyways*. Well it was when the undertaker took on mankind in a hell in a cell match and undertaker tossed mankind off of the cage onto a table. There is no way that anyone can tell me that, that was not fake since he was like i think 7 or 8 ft high up in the air falling onto the ground. Imagine a ladder falling onto your chest,back or neck, or legs... If its heavy which it mostly is then ur in for PAIN. So I feel that wrestling is 50% fake and 50% real. and what everyone comes for to see is the T & A and The Caranage.
$ Thanx for reading $